Compliment cycling with another sport
Compliment cycling with another sport
As much as we love cycling, it’s always good to mix up your fitness routine every now and again and the best way to do this is to try out a new sport or sign up for a fitness class.
Yoga and pilates are the most directly complimentary sports for cyclists as they work your mistreated and neglected core muscles. They are both extremely easy sports to work into your exercise regime too as they can be practised at any time and anywhere. Sign up to a class at your local sport’s centre, get a group of friends together and head to a specialised yoga for cyclists workshop or order a DVD and a mat and get started in the privacy of your own home.
Yoga for cyclists: beginners kit list
If meditative stretching isn’t your calling, then kick-boxing and dance classes are also great ways of complimenting your endurance training with some anaerobic workouts.