New Year, New You
New Year, New You
The time is upon us once again to start reinventing ourselves, ready for the New Year. We’ve spent all of December justifying out excessive drinking and binge eating by convincing ourselves that as soon as the calendar flicks over to January 1st we will immediately start eating healthy, exercising more and will make a million other positive lifestyle changes too.
And most of us manage to stick to our resolutions for the first few months at least. But come the summer around half of us will have already slipped back into old habits, and by the end of 2015 there will only be the most strong-willed 8% of the population that still have any recollection that they made any New Year’s resolutions at all.
So why do we set ourselves these goals if the likelihood is we will fail? The truth is we all love any opportunity to reinvent ourselves to be the person that we would love so much to be, and the New Year is the most perfect chance for us to do just that. And hey, who is to say that we won’t be amongst the 8% that keep their resolutions this year? In fact, let’s make that resolution number one.
At TWC we have thought up a handful of resolutions that busy cyclists will actually stand a chance of making happen in 2015. Pick your favourites or challenge yourself to keep them all – let us know how it goes and have a very happy New Year.