Mountain biking with your other half can be a wonderful, fun, sharing experience. It can also sometimes turn into hell on Earth. Disagreements, mechanical problems and helpful advice like ‘just go for it!’ and ‘speed is your friend!’ can turn a nice day out on the bikes into an event fraught with relationship pitfalls.
In an attempt to promote harmonious trail riding experiences, we published an article by TWC contributor extraordinaire Adele Mitchell with helpful hints and tips for Valentines day. It’s called ‘Men: How to Take Your Girlfriend Mountain Biking and Still Have a Sex Life Afterwards’, and has gems like this;
” Avoid showing off, patronising comments and dissappearing over the horizon, unless you want her to dump you (and if you do, believe me there are easier ways of getting her to do this – but that’s another post).”
As Adele acknowledges, it doesn’t apply to all couples, it can work the other way around, and it can be any kind of couple. The article got lots of positive responses – clearly loads of you can identify with this issue.
One comment particularly caught our eye, from a well intentioned male reader. What are your thoughts on his response?