Jule's story
Julia and Gareth on one of their many cycling adventures
In Las Vegas on my 30th Birthday, a week before life as I knew it was turned upside down forever
Gareth climbing during our road trip on the Lost Arrow Spire in Yosemite
Gareth racing in Whistler
Julia and Gareth shared a passion for the great outdoors
Jule's story
Have you ever loved someone so completely that your lives are totally entwined? A truly deep, intimate friendship, a companionship developed through years of growing closer to each other? I have. I was lucky to spend the best years of my life, and my whole life as an adult to that point, with my amazing husband Gareth.
And then my worst nightmare became a reality.
On the 22nd November 2011, while away on a year long trip of a lifetime, my husband, best friend, and constant companion of the last 9 years, died in America following a climbing accident.
Gareth and I had been away since August, having the time of our lives, living our dreams in some amazing places. We had never been so happy, carefree and content. Life couldn’t have been better. And then everything fell to pieces.