14. Sophie Thornhill
This is one of my favorite photos from last night :) sharring it with @_katiearchibald #happyfaces
A photo posted by Laura Trott (@laura_trott31) on
A photo posted by Marianne Vos (@mariannevosofficial) on
Nederlands kampioen omnium! Blijft toch een bijzonder gevoel.
A photo posted by Kirsten Wild (@kirsten_wild) on
A photo posted by Joanna Rowsell (@joannarowsell) on
Caught out at training today.. @annitasanchis #letmetakeaselfie #wigglecamp
A photo posted by Emilia Fahlin (@emiliafahlin) on
A photo posted by Katie Archibald (@_katiearchibald) on
A photo posted by Chloe Hosking (@chloe_hosking_) on
Just a couple of Canadians hanging out in the Santa Monica mountains #Californialove
A photo posted by Leah Kirchmann (@leahkirchmann) on
Love this pic from the games #teamwork #partnership #tandem #England #red #white
A photo posted by Sophie Thornhill (@sophiethornhill) on
14. Sophie Thornhill
What an amazing photograph. Sophie Thornhill is a visually impaired tandem track cyclist, who competes in para-cycling events.
This year she burst onto the scene, coming 1st in the 1km time trail and tandem sprint at the UCI Para-cycling Track World Championships. She also took gold at the Commonwealth Games in the same events with her pilot Helen Scott. That’s who she’s hugging in the snap above. #Teamwork