Even the hardiest of us cyclists have to admit defeat sometimes when it’s just too grim out there to warrant a safe and enjoyable ride.
Seven Top Tips for Wet Weather Riding
It can also be a good thing to get out of the saddle once in a while and work difference muscles or just reignite your motivation by doing something a little different.
How to Pick a Sports Bra for Cycling
We’ve put together a list of ideas of things that you can do indoors that will get those endorphins going, uplift your mood and give you a good workout at the same time.

There is something about bouncing in the air that transports us straight back to childhood. That weightless feeling as you fly up and down is absolutely giggle-inducing and therefore a perfect indoor mood-booster if the weather isn’t performing.
Cross Training Kit that Makes the Gym More Fun
Continuous jumping and controlling your landing and arm movements is also a great way to get the heart pumping so as well as lifting your spirits, you’re also doing good things for your fitness.
Oxygen Free Jumping in London is a trampoline haven, wall-to-wall with pure bounce. They also run trampoline related fitness classes too if you are looking for a structured workout.